Terms And Conditions

By using the services, the user agrees to these conditions and agrees to abide by them when using the service.

Rights and obligations of the user

The user undertakes not to use the service for any activities that would endanger the security of the state or other public interest, were contrary to good morals and customs or were in any other way contrary to generally binding legal regulations or international agreements. In particular, it is forbidden to make available data * which the user is not authorized to make available * which may cause damage to third parties

The user is not entitled to use the service to disseminate and make available data that could cause damage to third parties.

All data that the user saves within the service on the provider’s servers are linked to the user’s user account, remain the property of the user and the operator is not authorized to handle them.

The user is responsible for all data that he saves on the server of the operator using the service.

All data provided by the user in his account must be stated truthfully, and if the data is contact (email), it must be functional contacts that the operator can use to communicate with the user.

The user acknowledges that he is liable for all damages caused by his actions through the service to the operator or third parties.

The user is not entitled to resell or charge for the service data in any way or to use the service to publish paid or unpaid advertising.

The user is not entitled to use the service in a way that causes or could cause damage to the operator, other users or third parties.

The user is not entitled to pass on his access data to other persons or to publish them.

Rights and obligations of the operator

The operator undertakes to operate the service conscientiously and in the interest of users.

The Operator is not obliged to supervise the content of transmitted or stored data or to actively search for facts and circumstances pointing to illegal or harmful content of transmitted data.

The operator is not liable for damages that have occurred or could have occurred to the user of the service using data provided by the service by other users.

The operator is entitled to remove from the service any user data in particular, but not exclusively, in the case of * if the data infringes the copyrights of third parties * contain malicious code

The operator is not responsible for any possible damage caused to the user by the loss of data stored within the service or the inability to use the service.

The operator does not provide the user with any guarantees regarding the functionality and availability of the server services, unless expressly stated otherwise in these conditions. In particular, it does not guarantee that the services will be available 24/7 or will be fully functional throughout the period of availability. Nor does it guarantee that all user content will always be available, complete and undamaged.

The operator is entitled to change these terms of use of the service at any time, this change must be published on the website of the service at least 14 days before the change takes effect. Users are informed about the change of conditions by publishing on the website of the service or by sending information about the new conditions to the contact details of the users.

Users who do not stop using the service by the effective date of the new terms and conditions agree to continue using the service with the new wording of the terms and conditions of use of the service.

The Operator is entitled to block or cancel the account of the user who uses the service in violation of these conditions without compensation.

Information protection

All files that users store on the servers of the service are bound by the user’s account and the user decides on their accessibility to other persons.

The Provider is not entitled to appropriate data uploaded by users, but has the right to delete user data in accordance with the above rules.

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, the Provider undertakes to protect all user data entered by the user into his account.

The provision on information protection does not apply to cases of requests for information by state authorities for such a step authorized by law.